What is Electroculture?

Electroculture, sometimes known as Magneto-culture, simply put is the agricultural utilization of feeble voltage to stimulate electro-magnetic actions in the soil. These actions catalyze the transmuting of elements within the soil which have an array of benefits. This transmutation of soil elements was referred to by Rudolf Steiner as “Spiritual Digestion”. The word alchemy itself comes from the Arabic word “Al-Kimit” which directly refers to the black enlivened electromagnetic soils of the fertile Nile Delta. These soils were known to have transmutative properties.

Another way to view the principles of Electroculture are through the works of Michael Faraday and what’s known as Faraday’s first law of electromagnetic induction which states “Whenever a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field, an electromotive force is induced. If the conductor circuit is closed, a current is induced, which is known as ‘induced current’.” The voltage is created by this change in magnetic flux of the ground wires in our application. This is expanded upon in Lenz’s Law. “Current” flows from positive to negative using the antennas to collect the positive charge via atmospheric electricity, telluric current, electrochemical exchange, and environmental factors and conduct this energy to the negatively charged earth at the point of grounding. 

Some of the benefits of Electroculture include: increased yield, reduced pest pressure, disease resistance, reduced fertilizer requirements, vibrancy in color, increased nutrient density and others by the electromagnetic current. We have solely relied on our organic vegetable production farm to support our family for over a decade and have seen first-hand the amazing results of Electroculture. For us it has been a comprehensive and certainly worthwhile endeavor. Though we have grown “large” vegetables with the methods, huge vegetables are not the goal with Electroculture. Instead, higher yields, consistently sized and nutrient dense vegetables, vibrant plants that suffer less pest and disease pressure is. The oversized vegetables produced in some Electroculture systems is a testament to the overall vigor it generates in the plant, giving them a longer life span to grow to such a large size. 

The Fertile Current Paramagnetic Electroculture Antennas function by collecting positively charged ions which then pair with the negatively charged ions of the earth’s ground to create electromagnetic flux in the wire between the 2 polarities. These fluxing electromagnetic potentials generate voltage.

In Medical Qigong, one of the basic exercises is known as “Pulling Down Heavens.” In this exercise, positive yang solar energy is collected and paired with negative yin earth energy. When combined and conducted through the practitioner, these energies create a balanced energy (chi, prana, electromagnetic) thus encouraging vitality, balance and overall health. This is essentially the same concept used in the antennas and it is intrinsic to ALL life.